June 26, 2013

Welcome to the Citronella Kitchen

One evening, we, Lorien and Hannah, had such an amazing dinner (cooked by us, sourced by us, using ingredients flown* from the US!), that we decided we needed to show and tell more people about it.

Our kitchen, named for the citronella oil we burn to keep the malaria leadened mosquitos off our bare legs, is a simple outdoor affair. A gas burner, a sink (no hot water), a refrigerator, and a semi-functioning freezer. All of our large items and produce come from either South Africa or Mozambique (we get the nicest abacates (avocados), maracujas (passion fruit), naranja (oranges), limãos (limes), limas (lemons), papayas, bananas, and frutos do mar (seafood**).  But, that's about it, so to the exporters we go. Family visiting from the US has brought us some spices and cooking utensils, like spatulas and shark knives, friends with cars bring us things like blenders and coffee roasted in Mozambique***, and some shops do import things from our neighboring countries.

We have also tried out our budding green thumbs and planted arugula/rocket, basil, coriander/cilantro, and recently tomatoes. All found here in Mozambique :) We plan to post photos of our food and garden and travels with food. We hope you enjoy!

Bom apetite!

*this is not a carbon footprint friendly kitchen
** Hannah works for a marine conservation association, Eyes on the Horizon (EOTH), views on this blog are not necessarily that of EOTH, however the seafood that is sourced will be determined to be sustainable and caught in a sound manor. (...and shrimp suck)
***Lorien is a distributer of this coffee in 250g and 1kg bags from Café Sol...he also sources and distributes peanut butter. Let us know if you want some.

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